Lila Joy 18'' Necklace
The lotus flower has a life cycle unique to any other plant. With its roots latched in mud, it submerges every night into riverwater and miraculously reblooms the next morning, sparkingly clean.
Often our lives can look like the surroundings of the lotus- dark and muddy. The lotus flower reminds us that despite harsh surroundings, we can still bloom with beauty.
Even in the bleakest, messiest circumstances, there is always a way to find joy and beauty.
Lila Joy is an exclusive collaboration with Kara Lewis Newton from KLN Beauty! A personal note from Kara: This necklace is named after my only daughter, Lila Joy. When I was carrying her, my prayer for her was no matter what her life's circumstances she would find a way to choose joy and find beauty. This is also my prayer for you, and this necklace is a way to remember that we are more than our surroundings, deeper than our troubles, and always capable of emerging whole, beautiful, and full of vibrant, happy life. xoxo, Kara @karalewisnewton